Added more dark to the background and some Quin red to the petals. Then I went back into the background lifting out some lights. Next I will work some more on the center and petals to create the depth that is needed. Hopefully I will be able to finish this one by tonight.

Added sap, quin red and hookers to the background along with a few spots of quin gold. Added some more quin red and some vermilion to brighten the petals
Started to define some of the petals with some trans red/brown and quin red.
Lenora, thank you i am glad you enjoy it. Do you also paint?
Krista – this is absolutely beautiful. I love following and viewing the your progress of each. Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you Joan, and thank you Sheri, I also love lilies!
Looking lovely Krista! 🙂 I adore Lilies!
Hi Krista,
Another great work of art. I love the way you capture the essence of the flowers. Your colors are brilliant.