Productive Weekend!

White Peony WIP 11×14 Watercolor

Springer Spaniel WIP 8×10 watercolor

Iris WIP 11×14 watercolor

Started 3 this weekend, plus worked on my fish and sticks project for the Bloomin Artists in Hampton at the end of July. Its actually kinda cool to think outside the box for a change. They give you a wooden base 3 different size wooden fish and sticks, you can add or take away what ever you want, the possibilities are endless, what ever your imagination can come up with. When it is all done I will post a picture.

12 thoughts on “Productive Weekend!”

  1. Shelia,
    I think it will be fun, i am already pretty sure on what i am making. I met this great little dog the other night, he had such a great personality.

  2. How fun that project seems! I am such a sucker for Peonies. Thanks again for posting in progress shots. I'm looking forward to see the pet portrait and that huge iris too!

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