Added some more perm rose and tran yellow in spots. Then went over it with sap green. Added a little more of the tran yellow and green mixture to the center and went over the bud with more yellow.
layered some thalo green, perm rose and transparent yellow on the background. Then added some tran yellow with a little bamboo green in the center, Bamboo green + tran yell on the stems. I know you are thinking whats up with the pink! I use it allot when creating my dark backgrounds especially if there is going to be pink in the flower.
The start of a beautiful Pink Day Lily. Drawn out on Arches 140lb CP paper, with the center masked off.
I am also starting another lily (wine and yellow) I will post that one later. I have just been itching to paint, paint, paint. I did the roses and a new color chart since the weekend but it just does not seem to be enough. I can’t sleep at night, I keep waking up wanting to paint. Does anyone else get like this?
Thank you Blesman, I never thought of watermarking the wip's. Good tip thank you
Thank you andrea, can't wait to get it finished so I can start the next one!
Thanks Barbra glad to hear its just not me lol
Krista, very nice production indeed. my advice to you is to include yr copyright or watermarks on all the pictures you put up on this blog to prevent others from copying or stealing your nice work. someone alerted me on this recently and i'm slowly doing it in my blog too.
The contrast between the background and the flower is visible. The background express confusion,while the pink express clarity. Good work. Very good. thanks.
Yes to the color charts now I'll have to do one with my transparents etc. Just love yours. and yes to the wanting to paint, paint , paint. Your not alone. Thanks for sharing. !