I Love Color Charts!

I decided to do a new color chart of just my transparent and semitransparent colors. I Love doing color charts, mind you I love color. This one is 18 x 24 big enough to see when it is hanging on my studio wall. I find that making these charts really reinforces the mixing combos and what makes what. I will do a glazing color chart later. I am wondering if you make color charts, do you find them helpful,because I know I do.

2 thoughts on “I Love Color Charts!”

  1. A color chart is something I just can't do without. Whenever I want to mix a color I am not sure about, I look at my color chart and find the closest match.

    I made color charts for both of my Winsor & Newton 1/2 pan watercolor sets, and although it takes some time to make the chart, you will have it forever to refer to.

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