Two New Paintings I Am Working On – Eggs & Dog Ornament from Japan both in Acrylic

I am currently working on some still life, these are both on 8×8″ gallery wrapped canvas and are being painted with acrylic. I will post the step by steps for these as I go. I have just started to block in some color for the foreground and background in these. I am working on them at the same time but I think I will post the eggs first and then when they are done I will post the dog, it is easier to follow that way.

3 thoughts on “Two New Paintings I Am Working On – Eggs & Dog Ornament from Japan both in Acrylic”

  1. Thank you Maria I am glad you are enjoying them.
    Thank you Christiane I am really enjoying learning a new medium. I heard that eggs are hard also, so we will see 🙂

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