Purple Clematis Flowers – Watercolor Painting Update 4

Still working away on several paintings. Here is the progress on the clematis, I still have to work on the main flower some more and finish the background then I can go in and do the center at the last

8 thoughts on “Purple Clematis Flowers – Watercolor Painting Update 4”

  1. Thank you Jeannette, what alovely thing to say.
    Thank you Christiane, Lokelani and Carol.
    Thank you Julie, it is funny because I always feel so impatient waiting for the layers to dry, that is why I usually work on a few at a time.

  2. I learn so much from studying your works … in progress or finished. The colors and the details emerging me evoke a longing and memories of gardens I have not seen in a long, long time. They hit me in my heart–in a GOOD way, I mean. Thank you.

  3. Lovely, Krista….(I never started mine) I have enjoyed wataching your progress so much.
    Carol B.

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