Bloomin Artist… What an Amazing Weekend!

Lutz building

Daisy from Hooper Studio`s garden

Black eyed Susans from beside the Legion on Main St

A house on 1016 Main Street
I had a fantastic time at Bloomin Artists this weekend, it is amazing how well organized and fantastic this is run. I thought I would have a hard time painting this weekend because you are on location and they were looking for 2 to 3 quick pieces per day from each artist. I normally paint very realistically, I knew that would not work for this event. I decided to use ink and watercolor for most of the pieces, allowing me to work quickly. Unfortunately I was so busy I forgot to take pictures of some of my completed works, but here are the ones I managed to get. With the ones I brought in ahead of time I submitted a total of 12 pieces, luckily all 12 were sold in the auction.

8 thoughts on “Bloomin Artist… What an Amazing Weekend!”

  1. Congratulations Krista on having all the work sell! It is exciting and daunting to work outdoors. One can only hope for cooperative weather. When I go out it has to be in shade. Otherwise I come home bright red! I am a sunburn queen.

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