I started defining the background a bit with B.S. and some trans yellow. Then I worked on the main body of the bird with Cerulean Blue and Thalo Blue.

I started this a couple of days ago but have not had time to post it, life is crazy busy sometimes. I started dropping in random colors for the background, blues B.S reds etc.. this is the first of many layers that will be put down. Hoping to get some others started along with this one so I have something to paint while it is drying. Thanks for stopping in hope you all have a terrific day!
thank you so much Barbra you are too kind! The size of this is 11×14.
Krista, you are a very talented lady. I'm going to follow this… It's a WoW! and what size is it?
thank you Vicki
You are so versatile with your painings. Good start.
Thank you Frederick and Sam
Some vivid blues there Krista-I will keep checking back on its progress, have a nice weekend)
You're peacock is off to super start Krista…I can't wait to see it evolve. To fan its feathers, so to speak.