Watercolor Painting Goldfinch – Finished!

Just finished the Goldfinch, hopefully i will be able to start my Cardinal tonight, I have a few others to draw out also. I find I need at least 3 on the go to be productive (to much time spent waiting to dry). Hope everyone has a great night thanks for stopping by!

14 thoughts on “Watercolor Painting Goldfinch – Finished!”

  1. Thank you Dors, Christiane, Anonymous (Marci? maybe) and Sheila, I was hoping to start my cardinal tonight, seems to be a very popular bird (they are so beautiful!)

  2. Oh my Krista… I think this is going to be one of my favorites of your works so far. Those feather glow with an inner warmth. Just Gorgeous!

  3. Your Goldfinch is very nice. I also really like the highlights, your background, and the way you painted the branch.
    I am really looking forward to seeing your Cardinal since they are my favorite bird.

  4. Very nice work on the Goldfinch Krista.

    Love all your birds. Looking forward to seeing more as you say their are a few more in the pipeline.

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