Still Life with lemons and Cherries painting, my latest attempt with Acrylic

I thought I would try this picture that I had previously painted in watercolor. This is my latest attempt at trying out acrylics, I am trying to get the hang of glazing. I glaze when I paint in watercolor and thought it might be an easier transition. Anyway it is what it is lol 🙂 hopefully the next one will be easier. Hope everyone has a great day!

20 thoughts on “Still Life with lemons and Cherries painting, my latest attempt with Acrylic”

  1. Thank you F.M. Marrouch, Martine, Gary, John, Carl, Christiane, mollie, Carol, and Ralph (welcome to my blog) You are all too kind, I am still not decided about the acrylics yet I will let you all know….maybe I will try oils too 🙂

  2. Krista…I really like it. I've always admired your watercolor work (which I struggle with). I have much better success with acrylics and now your making those look bad 🙂


  3. Hi Krista- That is great! I have never been able to get the hang of acrylics. Moving straight on to oils this fall…. Hopefully.


  4. Hi Krista…I like it. I've admired your watercolors (which I struggle with). I have more success with acrylics but now you're making those look bad 🙂

  5. Thank you for following my blog. I am so sorry you did not happen to be my 100th follower because the person who took that slot was only trying to sell his own blog and website. So you are in fact my 100th and I look forward to getting to know you.

  6. Thank you Katherine (I use speedball ink because it is archival and a pen that you dip with different nibs to be able to get different thickness on my lines), Nancy, Julie, Dores, sam, and Janet. It i s hard to step out of my box, but I am trying 🙂

  7. Great Acrylic work Krista. I admire that you try different mediums. Always good to step out there and try.
    I don't know much about Acrylic but this looks wonderful to me.

  8. Wow! I'm so impressed with your acrylics! By the way, could you tell me what kind of pen you used on the pen/watercolor pieces? I'm just starting to explore the possibilities of ball point pen. Thanks!

  9. Krista…that is great…you are trying a new media…something I admire (haven't done this myself yet). Your watercolors are phenomenal…so this should be another success for you! Happy Painting

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