Seven Watercolors on Rice Paper (Batik) Started WIP


So Excited! I started 7 new paintings today. I have one layer of paint and one layer of wax on. This is the second layer of paint pictured below. They are hanging to dry waiting for another layer of wax. These paintings are all treed landscapes, two of which have old barns. My studio as you can see is a mess lol when I start new paintings I have tunnel vision, so the mess will have to wait until I am done. I will keep you posted with updates as I progress.


Thanks for stopping in. Comments always welcome and appreciated!


2 thoughts on “Seven Watercolors on Rice Paper (Batik) Started WIP”

  1. Nina Bailey-Dick

    Hi Krista,
    I am so inspired by your batiks!
    New Brunswick is lucky to have you as you help the world see the beauty that is around you.
    You’ve succeeded at a beautiful balance between simplifying them and keeping them interesting. You exquisitely suggest leaves without explicitly painting leaves. I’ve been playing with batiking on ricepaper for a few months and lately I notice how it is the dark spaces in a wooded scene that are so important. I’d love to see more photos of your studio space to see how you handle the wax and the paints. Seeing your photos helped me realize I could hang them to dry. Brilliant!
    I have so many questions for you. I wish I could stop in for a visit but I live in Waterloo Ontario.
    Do you use paint brushes for the was?
    What kind of wax do you like to use?
    How do you show your finished batiks since the rice paper is so fragile? Matted and framed?
    Please blog more about this little known art medium – or email me for a private conversation.
    Many blessings as you follow your inner light and share it with the rest of us.

    1. Hi Nina,
      Thank you so much for your lovely comments. I will post some info on my process and studio space in the future. I use brushes for my wax(make sure they are natural, not synthetic) I use paraffin wax (do not let it smoke, it is not healthy).
      I always matt and frame behind glass, I have mounted them and varnished, but I never like how they turn out lol. I have sent you a friend request on facebook, I also post info on my facebook page I look forward to seeing your work!

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