Perched Peregrine Falcon – Commission No. 1 Watercolor Work in Progress – Finished!!

Finally finished the second commission, can’t wait to send them on their way! I have not been here much as I have been going non stop, this Thanksgiving weekend will be a nice change of pace, looking forward to having my parents over for dinner and just relaxing. Of course I will paint, I have another commission of a pug on the go and some roses for my show. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, or for everyone outside of Canada I hope you have a fantastic weekend also! Take care!

22 thoughts on “Perched Peregrine Falcon – Commission No. 1 Watercolor Work in Progress – Finished!!”

  1. Thank you so much Dors, Barbra (u r 2 funny), Shelia, Vicki, Candy, Trevor, and Saundra.
    Welcome to Candy and Trevor thank you for stopping in hope you come again. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. This is my first visit to your blog. I like your work very much. You did a great job on this falcon. He's gorgeous!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Wonderful job on both the Falcons. The owners must be so thrilled to have them hanging on their wall.
    Superb work Krista. Love them both

  4. Krista, what an amazing pair these two peregrine falcons paintings will make. I can't say that I have a favorite: I love them both – their eyes, their feathers, the background!
    I wish you a happy Thanksgiving also. Enjoy it and relax.

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