I was given the Kreativ blogger award by Saundra Galloway at the end of Sept (OK I am a little slow lol) and then by Christaine Kingsley in October. thank you for thinking of me Saundra and Christiane 🙂
Here is how it works:
Remember the rules for the Kreativ Blogger award is to list 7 things about you (so we can get to know you a bit better) and pick 7 deserving artists to pass it along to. Notify them and link to them from your blog.
Here we go 7 things about me:
1. I am consumed by my art, have a need to create that cannot be quieted.
2. I wish there were more hours in a day (then I could paint more)
3. My favorite color is green.
4. I am married and have one daughter. (just learning to drive :0)
5. I am an animal lover, have been from an early age.
6. I have 2 dogs (the boys as I call them) you can meet them in my Oct 16, 2009 post.
7. I know that my true calling in life is to be an artist! 🙂
I would like to pass the award along to these 7 artists (there are so many more that are deserving, but the rules say 7 ):
2. Dors
5. Sheila
6. Billie Crain
7. Barbra Joan
Please take the time to visit their blogs and see why I have picked them! Thank you to all of these wonderful artists and all of the others not listed here that have made this blogging community the wonderful supportive place that it is. Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
You are welcome Sandeep 🙂
Congratulations Krista.
And thanks a lot for recommending my name. 🙂
You are welcome Dors, Hugs right back! 🙂
Thank you so much Krista. I will be honoured to accept this award. Hugs Dors.
Your welcome Barbra, I am sure you will have no worries! 🙂
Thank you Krista, I'll post and do (try to ) the rules, you have no idea how technically challenged I am.. I had actually deemed my site a no award blog, because I'm never sure if I get it right and don't want to hurt anybodys feelings (you know how sensitive we creative people are) lol!