Glazing with Watercolor a How-to Article and Video



Glazing is painting one color on top of another dry color to change the value or color.

I wanted to touch a little more on glazing this week after my demo in last weeks article. I hope this exercise will help anyone who is still a little unsure about glazing.

Draw 3 – 2-inch squares, paint them with juicy pigment (not watery) with Winsor or Hansa Yellow, Winsor or pyrrole Red, and Burnt Sienna. Allow this to completely dry. Touch the squares to the back of your hand if it feels cool to touch it is still wet. You could dry these with a hairdryer to speed up the drying time.

After they areΒ completely dryΒ you are going to mix up about the same consistency as before of Ultramarine blue. Cover each square with the blue.Β  As you can see in the picture below, you have created a 3rd color by glazing the 2nd color over top of the first.

Below are the results of mixing the same colors we glazed with the ultramarine blue on the palette before applying them to the paper, they are dull and boring compared to the glazed versions. That is why I love glazing!

Below is a quick video demo on glazing. Please note that between every layer of new color, I let the painting dry completely before adding another layer.

The video has no sound πŸ™‚ I struggled with this, sorry for the poor quality. The next one will be better πŸ™‚

Here is a close up picture of the lily bud from the video. I could have kept adding layers to this to make it more detailed but I hope this was enough to give you the process of glazing with watercolor.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you have enjoyed your time here.

Cheers, Krista

PS:  Don’t forget to leave your comments below and sharing is always appreciated!

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8 thoughts on “Glazing with Watercolor a How-to Article and Video”

  1. Hi Krista,
    While I primarily do landscapes in acrylic, I also do some watercolor. I have wanted to do more watercolor, and I have a few books on it, but your video makes it much more clear. Enough to make me pick up my watercolor paints again!
    Keep up the excellent information.
    Cheers, Kurtis

  2. Alice LaMorte

    Krista, I really enjoyed this lesson. I think one of the problems I have with watercolor is that I don’t let it dry completely between layers. Also, I tend to work more with acrylics, but I’m feeling more confident now with watercolor.

    1. Hi Alice, Yes it has to be completely dry. I am glad you are feeling more confident πŸ™‚ Patience and practice that’s all it takes. Oh and learning the techniques too πŸ™‚

  3. cheryl charters

    Krista , your sense of colour and subject inspire me@@@
    Thank you for being there !!

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