Echinacea Pink Cone Flowers Acrylic Painting on Paper 6 Comments / acrylic, flowers This was my next Acrylic on paper, I love the way the acrylics stay so bold and vibrant. This one is also mounted on a wood support. ShareLikePinEmail
Shelley Whiting April 29, 2012 at 3:40 pm I love these flowers. They're very colorful and vibrant. Beautiful and lovely work.
Krista Hasson September 3, 2011 at 1:32 pm Thank you Carol, they are from my garden as well (one of my favourite flowers)
Carol Blackburn September 3, 2011 at 12:59 pm Love these flowers, Krista. I have them in my garden in abundance and they are a main subject in most of my garden photos and paintings, too. Love the warmth of your painting.
Thank you very much Shelley
I love these flowers. They're very colorful and vibrant. Beautiful and lovely work.
Thank you Balaji, it is 8×10.
This is very nicely done….how large is it?
Thank you Carol, they are from my garden as well (one of my favourite flowers)
Love these flowers, Krista. I have them in my garden in abundance and they are a main subject in most of my garden photos and paintings, too. Love the warmth of your painting.