3rd Landscape on Rice Paper – Watercolor Painting

This is the last one of the 3 I just finished, it is 12×24″ and watercolor on rice paper. I can not believe how excited I get about these paintings. I don’t think I will ever be able to paint realism again lol. Oh and again I have no name : ( . I also just finished drawing out 5 more in various sizes, and can’t wait to start them. Hope everyone is having a great day. Happy painting!

12 thoughts on “3rd Landscape on Rice Paper – Watercolor Painting”

  1. Thank you John. I have not been this excited about my art in a while. I am getting up in the middle of the night again because I am too excited about a painting I am working on to sleep : )

  2. Thank you John. I am in New Brunswick on the water, so that is probably why you are getting that sense about my paintings. I think we are about 500 mile away from NFLD give or take lol

  3. Thank you Dors, I had done batik in high school and loved it. I had always wanted to do it again. I had a roll of rice paper I had bought on clearance years ago then I read a couple articles about different techniques with rice paper, then I heard about using wax not sure where now I read so much lol could of been online or in a magazine. Anyway I love it!!!

  4. I'm not surprised that you are so excited about these that you will not go back to your former way of painting. These are beautifully evocative.

    Have you ever tried to go directly to paint without drawing? That is even more exciting, and scary! But the element of surprise is so much fun. I am looking forward to seeing what comes next.

  5. The colors are pressing my happy buttons. One reason I like Newfoundland in the summer (which was on a Tuesday last I was there) are the trees/rocks/water/isolation … you have it all in your pictures, albeit you are 1000s of miles from Newfoundland.

  6. I love all your watercolor landscapes Krista. How did you find rice paper to work on? Glad you are having so much fun.

    Thanks also for visiting my site. It's appreciated and nice to see you.

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