Day 1 of 30 day painting Challenge

Painting 1 of 30 "Pear" 8x8" oil by Krista Hasson

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. This year I am motivated to try new things and step out of my comfort zone.  When Leslie Saeta posted about doing another 30 paintings in 30 days challenge I knew I was in. I intended to participate in this last year but somehow time slipped by and I did not get to it. This year I was waiting to start. I decided to do my small 30 paintings in oil, as it would not be possible to do my watercolor on rice paper this quickly.

So here is my first one a pear 8×8″ it is my mission to get better with my brushwork and my edges. oh and taking pictures of wet oil paint lol (not easy once there is no daylight left)

Painting 1 of 30 “Pear” 8×8″ oil by Krista Hasson 

Thank you for following along.
