30 paintings in 30 days February 2018 Challenge

It is that time again 🙂 This year it is starting on Feb first instead of the usual January. It is a great way to start the year off right and I am excited to do it. If you would like to give it a try go to Leslie Saeta’s site here: https://www.saetastudio.com/30-in-30.html

This year I am going to focus on trying to paint as loose as I can with nice thick juicy paint (not an easy feat for me) and I am going to post them no matter what lol. You learn so much from painting small paintings every day and you make lots of mistakes which actually leads to even more learning (love it!). So here we go, this is day one from yesterday! Let me know what you think. #30paintingsin30days

Day 1 roses and baby's breath










Day 1 – Roses with Baby’s Breath 6×6 oil on panel $100

[button link=”https://kristahasson.com/old/shop/oil-paintings/roses-babys-breath/” color=”teal” newwindow=”yes”] Buy now[/button]


I will be posting my 30 in 30 to my facebook page as well. Follow my facebook page here
Thank you for sharing your time with me it is greatly appreciated. I love to hear from my readers so please feel free to share!