Light Pink – Peach Day Lily Watercolor Painting – Update 4

I have been slowly working on this one, I am getting closer. I still have to darken the red on the petals and add some more form to the petals. I have finished a couple of small one, but I will wait until this one is done to post them. I have been very busy getting work framed and getting ready. Thanks for stopping in, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

8 thoughts on “Light Pink – Peach Day Lily Watercolor Painting – Update 4”

  1. Wow! That petal in the forefront jumps right out of the paper at you. Well done, Krista! You must give me your recipe for the peach color sometime…k? Please? Pretty please?

  2. Rats! I started catching up on blogs right after you started this painting. I LOVE watching how you progress with your work… and lilies (bulb lilies AND daylilies) are among my favorites. Seeing your work give me a glimpse into late June and July for me, here in Connecticut. THANK you. Much needed in March. Once again, I just want to tell you that your work is beautiful, and seeing how you progress is so helpful to those of us who are novices in creating visual art. Have a wonderful weekend.

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